February 2013 ~ Human Resource Planning Process

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Strategic Human Resource Planning a Must to Have Quality Workforce in Place

A major but often neglected asset of an organisation is its human workforce. It is so because mostly the qualitative work by the workforce is difficult to be quantified. As a result, it becomes an intangible task to determine one’s appropriate remuneration and justify the same. As a guideline, there exist official tribunals set by law of the land to supervise the remuneration related activities of all organisations. They overlook the entire remuneration process of an organisation. In case of new ones, they have to put up remuneration tribunal submissions in order to announce the norms they will follow. In case of unjustified cases, the tribunal may intervene.
It is important to have a central tribunal to look into such matters form an integral part of corporate governance. Not only all governmental organisations follow the guidelines of such tribunals but also most big corporate houses take cue from them to form a transparent salary structure for the employees that are based on strategic human resource planning. Such planning not only ensures less attrition rates but also improves the quality of work and level of satisfaction. Making sure that the workforce does not waste their time looking for alternatives but concentrate on their work is important for any organisation.
However, the interest of the organisation also is taken care of. It is ensured that the workforce is disciplined and abiding by instructions. In case of deviations, there remains room for appropriate action. Especially in service oriented job profile, the human workforce is prone to make mistakes and delay. Such poor quality of work is addressed properly in line with tribunal recommendations.
Having such guideline in place provides mental and financial security to the strategic human resources. They know where to go for in case of disputes regarding remuneration. With well set guidelines, it hardly takes time to settle such issues down fast. Thus a very efficient, transparent and believable system can be set up by government organisations and private players if you have remuneration tribunals helping you in strategic human resources planning. Most of the countries have set up their own such tribunal or are taking help of the already existing ones to develop the norms.
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