January 2013 ~ Human Resource Planning Process

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Understanding the Importance of Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is an important system which should not be ignored by any business enterprise. Regardless of the size of the enterprise, corporate governance is an important system and great efforts should be put up in its development and maintenance. For those, who are not sure about what corporate governance actually means, here is a brief description. 

Corporate governance is set of principles, policies, rules and processes. This set combines to form a system, according to which the company is governed and directed.  It also plays an important role in the relationship of the management, the shareholders, stakeholders and the board. Following this system of corporate governance will help in achieving company’s goals and bring more benefits to all the stakeholders of the company.
Weak corporate governance may lead to a weak financial situation of the company and can invite many organizational hazards. A company with strong corporate governance will be financially strong, able to attract new customers and stand apart from other companies in the market. 

There are certain principles of corporate governance, which tells to conduct business in a fair way, maintain integrity and bring transparency. All the decisions and the actions should be transparent to all the stakeholders of the company according to their rights. The business should be carried out in an ethical way. The people in control should understand the difference between the corporate funds and the personal funds while carrying out any business activity. 

After many of the frauds and scams getting exposed and coming up in the news, people understand the importance of corporate governance. There is confidence associated with the company having well defined corporate governance. By gaining more confidence, the company attracts new investors from across the globe. It has many positive impacts on the cost of the share and the company having well defined corporate governance find it much easier to raise capital when required.
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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Tips To Maintain Good Industrial Relation

Industrial relations are very important to make sure that there is peace and harmony maintained between the employees and their management. This not only results in a better work environment but also results in higher productivity. If there is any kind of disturbance in the industrial relation, then the management should take necessary steps to curb them as soon as possible. 

The type of relationship one holds with other completely depends on his or her attitude. You can have good relationship with the person or can have complex relationship with the same person if you want. Emotions and feelings should be dealt carefully and with care. A simple word can hurt a person and spoil the relationship.
Participation of employees should be promoted and should be a part of management and the business strategy. You should be confident about your staff and in return, the staff should also understand the working pressure of its seniors. 

Heads of various departments should be specially trained to achieve good industrial relations. Their attitude, body language, language and behaviour should be trained. They should be trained to motivate the staff under them and should built confidence amongst them. This will also boost up their confidence since they will feel responsible when given authority.
Some important tips to maintain good industrial relations are listed below:

1.      Try to think from both sides. Do not just jump to the conclusion by looking at your side. It is important to understand other’s point of view as well. This will make sure that the other person does not feel neglected and offended. 

2.      Communication is very important to curb misunderstandings. Communication should be followed by feedback of the person to make sure that the message has been interpreted correctly.

3.      Try to curb all kind of rumours as soon as possible. If there are any kind of gossips and rumours going on, make sure that you clear it out as soon as you get to know about it.
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Friday, 4 January 2013

Using the Facilitations Provided By Consulting Companies for Better Management

If you are starting off with a business, it is important that you do not go wrong with your first step. Making your business foundation strong enough would prevent your business to fall apart in future. Taking help from any of the consulting companies is a good idea if you need everything to be done in a proper way. Consulting companies can provide you with the facilitations of hiring a capable staff and other important office relations.

Facilitations provided by the consulting companies is very helpful since they make a strategic approach towards the tasks to be performed. They can provide you with their valuable advice in important issues like disputes cases or business agreements. They are very helpful in making a strategic approach and make sure that there is a strong link made between your organization and its goals.
Good consulting companies are also known for their valuable assistance facilitation to the organization staff. They can assist the staff and give them important advise or suggestions in times of difficult and complex situations.

Finding a good consulting company is very important to make sure that your performance management tools are being reviewed and tailored to cater your requirements. This is to make sure that your enterprise is working just the way it should be and producing profitable results.
Finding a good consulting company is also a very important task. You need to be sure that the company has been in this business from long and holds a good experience in this business. Try to enquire about former clients of the company.

Visiting the company’s website and going through the necessary information will help you in judging. Make sure that the company lays all its terms and agreements in front of you without any delay. As always said you can never forget to go through the terms and conditions of the company and ask for any doubts.
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