April 2012 ~ Human Resource Planning Process

Monday, 16 April 2012

Employee Relations Made Easy with HBA Consulting

Employee relations affecting your company’s work environment? Finding it hard to improve relations between you and your employees?

Then let HBA Consulting help you!

HBA Consulting has the most comprehensive services aimed at improving relations at work as well as provides human resource-related services that help optimise your company’s productivity. Our expertise is in increasing E-SAT (employee satisfaction) score of your company and thereby, retain your workforce.

Industrial relations can be very hard to maintain and even harder to improve as it requires dealing with lots of people depending on the size of the company. It entails interacting with employees regularly as well as forming trust and openness within the work environment.

HBA Consulting provides assistance in a wide range of human resource topics:

·         Strategic HR planning

·         Asses and/or redesign your company’s corporate culture

 ·         Work Level Standards design/review/redrafting

·         Review of HR policies and procedures

·         Performance management system development

·         HR governance and design review

 Good employer-employee relations mean better job satisfaction; trust in the company, as well as transparency between employer and employees. It manifests on workers’ productivity and the company’s growth.

HBA Consulting understands the importance of having good industrial relations as associated to a company and its growth.

Maintaining good employee relations result in benefits like

-          Improved morale and motivation

-          Less absenteeism

  In  Icreased loyalty

-          Increased job applications from people with good talent

    I  Increased employee responsibility

Maintaining industrial relations reflects a good and caring company as employees will see that their employers care for them by being open to address issues that may affect not only their work performance but their well being as well. Remember that a healthy and well satisfied employee will produce better performance hence increasing the company’s productivity and sales.

Avail of the services provided by HBA Consulting for a smoother, more cohesive flow of employee relations!
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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Good Corporate Governance for Highly Efficient Company

Is your corporation having problems with governing its employees? Are you in need of a third party to provide smooth facilitation in managing your human resources?

Corporate governance provides a structure that works for the benefit of everyone in the company. It broadly refers to the rules and processes by which a business is operated as defined by its stakeholders and officers. It is defined as good and enforced if it ensures that the company holds fast on its ethical standards and company rules.

Conflicts can occur in governing a corporation as misunderstandings and miscommunications can arise anytime. If not properly confronted, these conflicts can progress into bigger problems resulting to reduced corporate success and growth.

A good employer-employee relationship is one of the key signs of good governance as it reflects the trust as well as satisfaction an employee has with his/her employers. Providing different committees that addresses different concerns regarding the work and needs of the employees is also a sign of good corporate governance as it shows that stakeholders of the company is interested in addressing the issues faced by their employees.

Good corporate governance provides benefits like:

1.    Highly efficient company

2.    Increased corporate success

3.    Increased economic growth

4.    Reduced capital cost

5.    Positive impact on share price

6.    Improved investor trust

For your corporate human relations needs, go to HBA Consulting. HBA Consulting provides corporate services like human resource management, workplace relations, performance management, and research services.

HBA Consulting provides ways for smoother facilitation of workplace relation improvement. They also offer workplace investigations to allow companies to find ways to improve their corporate governance in order to provide a better and more harmonious work environment for their employees as well as transparency in both employees and clients.

HBA Consulting provides services that revolve around employer-employee relations as well as smooth facilitation of performance management to improve employee satisfaction.
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Thursday, 5 April 2012

Human resources: most valuable assets of an organization

An organisation is driven and run by the people working there. Today people employed and working in a firm are no longer considered as just the workforce. They are the most dynamic, potent and significant resources possessed by the company. They are the resources that step out of the company every day and hence organisations have been putting the maximum effort to retain the human resources. Since every operation, function or task to be executed depends upon the potential of human intellect, HR directly influence the growth and development of a company.

Human resources can be referred to the staff, workers and managers operating an organisation. It can also be defined as the total knowledge, talents, creative abilities, skills and aptitude of an organisations workforce. The beliefs, attitude, values and approach of the people are some other important aspects of it. Human resource management is the function, which deals in the affairs, issues, and planning related to the people employed in a firm. It is concerned with the maintenance of interpersonal relationships within the organisation to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of workforce in favour of the realisation of organisational goals. Human resource management deals with the multidimensional and dynamic nature of human capital to increase the productivity in them.

Human resource management can be simply termed as the comprehensive, structured and strategic management of people and the workplace environment. The activities carried out in HRM include the recruitment, training, feedback, compensation, reward, incentives, safety, administration motivation and performance management etc. Dealing with interpersonal conflicts and providing the favourable and needed work environment are other crucial aspects of it. Human resource management should focus on fulfilling the needs and requirements of employees, and the development and execution of strategies and policies of the company. Moreover, the coordination between the company objectives and personnel management directly influence the growth and development of any organisation.
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