October 2011 ~ Human Resource Planning Process

Monday, 10 October 2011

Enhance Your Employees’ Productivity through Facilitation Services and Staff Surveys

Workforce management is an integral part of human resource management. It is concerned with maintaining a productive workforce. Facilitation services and staff surveys are two of the services that aim to enhance the productivity of the workforce by encouraging them to work in coordination and to get an insight into their psychology.

Facilitation services focus on motivating the employees from different backgrounds, interests and capabilities to work together. It includes activities to ensure successful conduct of a business meeting, including planning, design, implementation and evaluation of the meeting. The purpose of facilitation is to make it easier for a team of employees, with differing opinions, to arrive at a common decision.

Qualities of a Facilitator

The facilitator has the responsibility of ensuring coordination and cooperation among employees over a certain issue. His role is to turn a conflict into an amicable resolution and to achieve that he has to have these qualities:

• Unbiased attitude- A facilitator has to act as a middle person, who does not take any sides. He remains neutral about the conflict. He has to assist the group to come to a consensus, so he should avoid bringing in his personal agenda and opinions. He should not favour a particular participant and should ensure that no criticism, insults or personal attacks are made at the meeting.

• Focused listening- He should be a good listener so that he knows each person’s perspective of the problem and let everyone hear that. The facilitator must understand those perspectives through attentive listening and mitigate tensions if any.

• Responsiveness- A good facilitator must be focused towards getting a resolution and prevent those participants from going off track from the topic in hand.

• Decisiveness- This is a key quality that a facilitator must possess. He has to be neutral to the point of discussion, but should be strong enough to come to a common decision. Decisiveness refers to staying action-oriented and coming to conclusions.

Staff surveys are an important tool in improving employees’ satisfaction level and productivity, customer relations and company profitability. With stress level increasing at every level of job and cut-throat competition, workers’ tend to get demotivated and lose the zest towards their work. Such a situation is extremely undesirable for any company because it can lead to low productivity, poor work quality, absenteeism and fall in company profits. Happy employees bring positive results on the company’s balance sheet. Thus, through staff surveys, companies can know which employees are unhappy about their work or the work environment and why. It enables the companies to take positive action towards resolving employee problems and motivate them.
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